Undergraduate Theater B.A.
The bachelor of arts degree with a major in Theater provides a liberal arts education and pre-professional training in a comprehensive program that uniquely combines the study of the arts, humanities and sciences with exploration of the principle areas of theater practice.
The program is designed to ensure that students graduate with a sound humanistic and experiential base for further pursuits in education and in life beyond the university.
The comprehensive program in theater combines a critical study of theater with experiential practice in one or more of its component parts. Students explore the various areas of theater to build a foundation for future creative work.
Students may apply to the Theater major as freshman or transfer students.
Undergraduate Theater Area of Emphasis
To receive Dean's Honors in the School of Theater, Film and Television, students must have at least 12 graded units per term with a grade-point average of 3.8 for less than 16 units of work (3.7 GPA for 16 or more units.) The honor is posted on student transcripts for the appropriate term. Students are NOT eligible for Dean's Honors, in any given term, if an Incomplete or Not Passed (NP) grade is received, if a change is made to a grade or if a course is repeated.
Honors at graduation are awarded to students with superior grade point averages. To be eligible, students must have completed 90 or more units for a letter grade at the University of California.
Questions? Please see the FAQ, call (310) 206-8441, or send an email to theaterundergrad@.tft.ucla.edu.
UCLA is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST).
The four-year degree program consists of five sets of curricular requirements:
- Theater Major Requirements
- General Education Requirements in conjunction with this Course List
- School of Theater, Film, and Television Requirements
- University Requirements
- Theater Area of Emphasis (Acting, Design/Production, Directing, Integrated Studies, Musical Theater, Playwriting)
In the first year of the program students are immersed in the "freshman experience." In the first year, all freshman are together for:
- Tai Chi
- Theater 11: Approaches to Interpretation of Theater and Performance
- Theater 12: Introduction to Performance
- Theater 13: Play Reading and Analysis
- Theater 14a: Scenic Design
- Theater 14b: Costume Design
- Theater 14c: Lighting Design
Freshmen can also add Theater 15 directing, ballet, and perhaps a general elective course (or two) to their class lists. In spring quarter of their first year, freshmen are highly encouraged to take general elective courses and other university and school requirements for a minimum of 12 units.
In the sophomore year students are required to take theater history as well as begin their emphasis (acting, design/production, directing, musical theater, playwriting, integrated studies, etc.) courses.
Theater students also must begin their crew assignments in the sophomore year (it is possible to begin crew classes at the end of the freshmen year). Students must fulfill 8 units of crew and production credits (4 units of theater 50 and 4 units of theater 150). Four of these units can be satisfied by acting in certain productions.
The junior and senior years build upon the sophomore year with more advanced courses in each area of emphasis.
Junior transfer students must take the year-long theater history course series in the junior year if they do not transfer in with an upper division equivalent. Junior transfer students might also find that they have to "make-up" certain UCLA TFT Theater freshmen courses if they do not transfer in with an equivalent course from their previous college(s).
If you are a UCLA student and interested in changing your major to Theater, please click here.
The UCLA Department of Theater accepts applications once a year for the Fall Quarter only, at both the freshman and transfer level. The next application period is for Fall 2024. We will be publishing the Fall 2024 supplemental requirements by September 15, 2023.
- Complete the University of California Application for Undergraduate Admission.
- Online application period: October 1 - November 30, 2023.
- Indicate Theater as the First Choice Major.
- Select an Area of Interest in Theater.
- For more information about UCLA Undergraduate Admissions, go to: http://www.admission.ucla.edu/
- Please note that the UC Application ID number is needed to complete the supplemental application.
- Complete the Undergraduate Theater Supplemental Application.
- Supplemental material deadline: December 7, 2023
- Create an account with Acceptd.
- Note: This is not the same as the UCLA login.
- Complete all required Application Information.
- Indicate Area of Interest within Theater.
- Upload Supplemental Materials
- Personal Insight Questions.
- Resume 1.
- Resume 2 (Optional).
- Photo.
- Area of Interest Materials.
- Unofficial copies of all Transcripts.
- Review the Application Worksheet for more information.
- For Freshman Applicants - COMING SOON
- For Transfer Applicants - COMING SOON
- Applicants will be contacted ONLY if more information is needed and a Live Online Interview will be required.
- (A Live Online Interview is not always required for admittance. Therefore, not all Applicants will be contacted.)
- For interview/audition questions, contact audition@tft.ucla.edu or (310) 206-4418.
Current UCLA students interested in changing majors to Theater, instructions COMING SOON.
If you have application/programmatic questions, please contact theaterundergrad@tft.ucla.edu or (310) 206-8441.
If you have interview/audition questions, please contact audition@tft.ucla.edu or (310) 206-4418.
For U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents interested in receiving financial aid in the 2024-2025 academic year, note that the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) deadline for UCLA is March 2, 2024. Applicants must complete the FAFSA by this date if they want to be eligible for all awards, work-study, and fellowships that UCLA offers.
For Prospective Students:
- E-mail: theaterundergrad@tft.ucla.edu
- Phone: 310-206-8441
- Office: 103 East Melnitz Hall
For Current Students:
- Theater Counselor: Catherine Hernandez-Shibata
For Interview/Audition Questions:
- E-mail: audition@tft.ucla.edu
- Phone: 310-206-4418